The following applicants have been selected to join various undergraduate degree programmes for the 2018/2019 academic year.

However, they have also been selected to join other Institutions. Kindly log into your UDSM Admission system and confirm your admission to UDSM before 10th September 2018. Failure to confirm by the deadline will indicate that you have not accepted the offer and your slot will be filled by other applicants. After confirmation, the selected applicants should report at their respective Campus on Saturday 27th October 2018

For the orientation week which will start on Monday 29th October 2018. Joining instructions and admission letters should be collected at the respective Campus. Joining instructions and other important information can also be downloaded from the University website at (go to Undergraduate Section).


NOTE: For candidate who did not receive special code from TCU for confirmation please send a text to 0771 607 687 to request a new code. In your message
Include the following:
1.Form IV index number
2.Candidated names as they appear in form IV certificates
3.User name (email) registered in the UDSM Admission System
4.Telephone number that will receive a new confirmation code
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